Last week I had the privilege of attending the National Conference on Youth Ministries in Nashville. NCYM is the largest gathering of youth workers in our brotherhood and this year we had our largest attendanceever. What do we do while we are there? We participate in some of the best praise and worship to be found anywhere, we attend classes, we have great keynote speakers, and we renew lasting friendships through our covenant groups. I have been attending NCYM for about 10 years now and it always has been a refreshing week for me and this year was no exception.
Several things about this years conference stood out to me. One was the acute awareness of the battle that rages for the souls of our teens. The family is under great attack in this country and many youth ministers are very aware of this fact. They see the Church as a special beacon of light to reach the dark places where many teens have to call home.
Another was the great number of long-termguys that are still going strong in their works. There were over 25 youth ministers that were honored that had 20 years or more in full-time ministry.
Still another was the quality of classes that challenged both the new and experienced ones among us. I was especially challenged by the class on Colossians by Dr. Earl Lavender from Lipscomb University.
Finally, the conference gave me the needed boost of why I do what I do: to teach the living word of God and be an example to our teens. We have a fabulous group of teens here at Highland View. A group that will, through the power of God, make a difference in their world.


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