Elderlink Thoughts

I know this is usually teen space, but I had the privilege to attend Elderlink in Atlanta at the end of March.  This was the best Elderlink I have attended so far.  Randy Harris kicked off the conference on Friday night with 5 challenges to the future of the Church in America.  I will spend the next several weeks discussing them here in Neil’s Notes.  The first challenge was Technology.   Technology enables us to have an incredible amount of information (even biblical) at our finger-tips; even my Bible is my Blackberry.  However, technology also provides an unprecedented amount of distraction to our lives.   Randy made the point that where there is no quiet, no prayer, there is no growth for us spiritually.  He has  a point; a virtual world only goes so far.  Only when the church can be together is when it can experience the fellowship described in Acts 2: 42-47.  What say you?  


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